Celestial Exodus
A Bible-Based Space Adventure/RPG/TBS/Simulation Game
Notice: This game is currently in the Alpha stage of production - not everything is working, and you need a high resolution display - 4K if you've got it. I know my 2019 MacBook Pro can handle it, so a new-ish desktop system should as well. You will have to give the app permissions to run and to access your Documents folder. It comes in a .zip archive. See the carousel or scroll to the bottom of the page for download buttons.
Various Factions Encounter, Join, and Conduct Diplomacy With Varying Factions
When you have constructed a communications array in at least one of your colonies, you are able to contact and conduct diplomacy with any of the factions in the game. Declare War, Send Spies, Enter Into Research Agreements, Defensive Pacts, Trade Agreements, and Full Alliances. Factions vary in their values and goals and at least one is downright evil.

Your Decisions Change the Course of the Galaxy Various story arcs are possible through the decisions you make from day one. Will you be virtuous? neutral? shadowed?
You begin in Chapter 0 - Initiation, where your selected faction has certain objectives for you to complete. Will you follow orders? Modify them? Or reject them and go your own way? Chapter 1 is the beginning of a story arc, and it can evolve with your choices. Moral dilemmas, striking a balance, good and evil, what will you choose?

Interact with AI Characters As the Celestial Seeker, you have various friends, allies, and potential enemies - including the Cosmic Adversary - Lucifer!
These AI Characters evolve with you and help you on your quest, or try to stand in your way. The Astral Guide is your primary help point, and takes a personal interest in your development. Others can provide upgrades, knowledge/lore, and other kinds of assistance.

Gifts and Callings. Unlock various gifts and callings with Bible verses.
Use Gift Points and Bible verses to upgrade and unlock your gifts, and search Bible verses to unlock other character callings/classes to modify your playstyle. Anything from Apostle, to Prophet, to Teacher, to No Class, to Undecided, the galaxy is your oyster!

Explore A Diverse Galaxy of Star Systems Every playthrough is unique, with a randomly generated galaxy of star systems with planets and moons, some habitable, some mineable, some both, some neither.
Most planets and moons are explorable and may hold hidden treasures, scripture scrolls, mineable resources, and more! Some stars are harvestable, and some planets or moons may be volcanic or frozen making colonization difficult but possible.

Explore A Wide Array of Spacecraft From nimble reconnaissance craft to carriers and battleships.
Purchase extensive information on every type of spacecraft in the game, or limited free information, and put together a fleet of your own to combat the darkness!

Build & Manage Colonies Advance colonies with research, agriculture, and production of structures, spacecraft, and income
You can determine how much of your workforce is invested in research, agriculture, and production, you can construct and upgrade structures, you can construct spacecraft if you have a spaceport built, you manage power supply and demand, and colonist health/happiness.

Put Your Scripture Knowledge To Use! Use scriptures to unlock spiritual gifts, callings, armor, weapons, blessings on spacecraft, and more!
The more scripture you know, the farther you will get in this game! You can purchase scriptures in the Celestial Marketplace, you can search for them in far off planets and moons, you can find partial codexes, and even a full tome of the Holy Bible you can search for key words!

Universal Lore Study up on the factions, the celestial beings, the spacecraft, the armaments of the light and the darkness, and more!
There is Lore on every topic covered in the game! Some lore is unlocked through interactions with AI Characters, some is purchased, some is revealed by quests or tech level advancements, and some is found on explorable planets or moons.